Old Computer Programs of Ignacy Misztal

FSPAK - a sparse matrix package than can exactly solve and invert matrices of rank 100,000 or larger

JAA20 - a popular single-trait animal model program that also computes approximate prediction error variances

MTC - a multitrait REML program that uses the canonical transformation but allows for several random effects

MTJAA20 - a multitrait solving program by Nicolas Gengler that combines the features of JAA20 and MTC

RENUM - a companion renumbering program that accepts alphanumeric animal fields, validates birth dates, removes most redundant animals, and assigns unknown parent groups

CMMAT2 – a threshold model program that estimates variances using quasi-REML; supports sire-MGS models with one random effect absorbed; uses dense matrices.

RENDOM – a collection of programs to create files useful to create dominance relationships and estimate dominance effects.