
How do OPTIONs work?

OPTION acc_maxrounds 15

    Maximum rounds (default 15). Usually, between 10 and 30.

OPTION conv_crit 1d-08

    Maximum rounds (default 1d-08). At least < 1d-05 or 1d-06

OPTION cg 1 1 2 2

    Specify the effect number for contemporary group for each trait. The default is the first effect.


    Specify the effect number for herd by sire interaction.

OPTION anim 5

    Specify the effect number for animal (required).

OPTION mat (required if included) 6

    Specify the effect number for maternal.


    Specify the effect number for permanent environment (required if included).

OPTION type 1.0

    Select 1.0 for dairy cattle (PTA) or 0.5 for beef cattle (BIF definition) (default 1.0).

OPTION add_residual 8 9

    Calculate accuracies adding variances for 8 and 9 effects to residual variance.

OPTION model animal

    Select animal or sire model (default animal).

OPTION parent_avg yes

    Output parent averages (default no).

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