How do OPTIONs work? OPTION conv_crit 1e-12
Set convergence criteria (deault 1e-12).
OPTION maxrounds 10000
Set maximum number of rounds (default 1000).
OPTION solv_method FSPAK
Selection solutions by FSPAK, SOR or PCG (default PCG).
OPTION r_factor 1.6
Set relaxation factor for SOR (default 1.4).
OPTION sol se
Store solutions and s.e.
OPTION missing -999
Missing observation (default 0).
OPTION residual
y-hat and residual will be shown in yhat_residual.
OPTION blksize 3
Set block size for preconditioner (default 1).
OPTION SNP_file snp
Specify the SNP file name to use genotype data.
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