To save the “solutions” i.e. the point estimates of location parameters, you need one or two options in the parameter file. The behavior is common to the latest version of GIBBSF90+ (GIBBS2F90/GIBBS3F90/THRGIBBS1F90). Please use either of the following options.
OPTION solution [effects..]
OPTION fixed_var [effects..]
For example, you save the posterior mean and SD for effect numbers 1, 3, and 4, use OPTION solution 1 3 4
If you want to save all the effects, please enumerate all effect numbers.
There are other options to save *all* the solutions in all rounds: OPTION solution all
or OPTION fixed_var all
It will create a huge file and will be very slow.
Do not use these options unless you really want to have all the solutions for all rounds and/or you already know the number of burn-in samples.