This is a combined program of gibbs2f90, gibbs3f90, thrgibbs1f90, and thrgibbs3f90.
GIBBSF90+ implements Gibbs sampler for mixed threshold-linear models involving multiple categorical and linear variables. Thresholds and variances can be estimated or assumed. Another version of thrgibbs1f90b for binary responses is available.
When using threshold models for categorical (or binary) traits, phenotypes equal to 0 are considered missing. Therefore, categories should be numbered from 1. OPTION missing will not work.
See PREGSF90 with genotypes (SNP) for options.
When you run the program, the program will ask you several questions. You have to type-in (input) the answer to each question. The first one is the name of parameter file.
name of parameter file?
Then, the program asks you the number of total samples (rounds) and the number of burn-in. The program runs through up to the rounds specified here and the first burn-in samples will not be saved.
number of samples and length of burn-in
Here, you put two integer numbers separated by spaces (or Enter key).
For example, if you need 1000 samples with no burn-in, the correct input is 1000 0
Finally, the program asks you the interval to save samples. It is also known as thinning.
Give n to store every n-th sample? (1 means store all samples)
For example, if you put 10
, the program save the sample every 10 rounds.
The other samples will be discarded.
To save all samples, please input 1
Instead of typing the above parameters, you can put them in the command line in shell. Here is the general form of command line.
gibbsf90+ parfile --samples i --burnin j --interval k
Each item should be replaced with your favorite value.
: the name of parameter file (characters)i
: the number of samples (integer)j
: the number of burn-in (integer)k
: interval to save samples (integer)For example, when you use `renf90.par` as parameter file, sample 10000 times with no burn-in, and save all samples, the following command works.
gibbsf90+ renf90.par --samples 10000 --burnin 0 --interval 1
Tips: you can use --rounds
instead of --samples
(even the singular form is okay: --sample
and --round
). Also, --thinning
is acceptable as --interval
The parameter file is the same as for BLUPF90 except for options.
OPTION cat 0 0 2 5
“0” indicate that the first and second traits are linear. “2” and “5” indicate that the third and fourth traits are categorical with 2 (binary) and 5 categories.
OPTION fixed_var all
Store all samples for solutions in “all_solutions” and posterior means and SD for all effects in “final_solutions”, assuming that (co)variances in the parameter file are known.
OPTION fixed_var all 1 2 3
Store all samples for solutions in “all_solutions” and posterior means and SD for 1, 2, and 3 effects in “final_solutions”, assuming that (co)variances in the parameter file are known.
OPTION fixed_var mean
Only posterior means and SD for solutions are calculated for all effects in “final_solutions”, assuming that (co)variances in the parameter file are known.
OPTION fixed_var mean 1 2 3
Only posterior means and SD for solutions are calculated for effects 1, 2, and 3 in “final_solutions”, assuming that (co)variances in the parameter file are known.
OPTION solution all
Caution: this option will create a huge output solution file when you run many rounds and/or use a large model. Store all samples for solutions in “all_solutions” and posterior means and SD for all effects. The file “all_solutions” could be very large.
OPTION solution all 1 2 3
Caution: this option will create a huge output solution file when you run many rounds and/or use a large model. Store all samples for solutions in “all_solutions” and posterior means and SD for 1, 2, and 3 effects. The file “all_solutions” could be very large.
OPTION solution mean
Only posterior means and SD for solutions are calculated for all effects in “final_solutions” while sampling (co)variances.
OPTION solution mean 1 2 3
Only posterior means and SD for solutions are calculated for effects 1, 2, and 3 in “final_solutions” while sampling (co)variances.
OPTION save_halfway_samples 5000
The program saves every “5000” samples to restart or recover the job right after the last saved samples. It is useful when the program accidentally stopped.
OPTION cont 10000
“10000” is the number of samples run previously. The user can restart the program from the last run. This option requires “binary_final_solutions”, “gibbs_samples”, and “fort.99” files. When using “OPTION cont”, all output files will be replaced by new ones. Before running with this option, all files should be backed up.
OPTION prior 5 2 -1 5
The (co)variance priors are specified in the parameter file.
Degree of belief for all random effects should be specified using the following structure:
OPTION prior eff1 db1 eff2 db2 … effn dbn -1 dbres
effx correspond to the effect number and dbx to the degree of belief for this random effect, -1 corresponds to the degree of belief of the residual variance.
In this example 2 is the degree of belief for the 5th effect, and 5 is the degree of belief for the residual.
OPTION seed 123 -432
Two seeds for a random number generator can be specified.
OPTION thresholds 0.0 1.0 2.0
Set the fixed thresholds. No need to set 0 for binary traits.
OPTION residual 1
Set the residual variance = 1 for categorical traits. For binary traits, the residual variance is automatically set to 1, so no need to use this option.
OPTION pos_def x.x
Specify checking pos-def for fixed effects where x.x is a tolerance (default=1d-08).
OPTION censored 1 0
Negative values for the categorical trait in the data set indicate censored records. “1 0” determines that the first categorical trait is censored and the second uncensored.
OPTION SNP_file snp
Specify the SNP file name to use genotype data.
Saves solutions with original ID. The output is trait effect level original_id solution, and is stored in “solutions.original”.
OPTION hetres_int col nlev
where col is column in the data file that selects which residual (co)variance to select, and nlev is the maximum number of levels. Different residual (co)variances need to be numbered consecutively starting from 1.
Initially, all residual (co)variances are assigned identical (co)variances as in the parameter file. During the estimation, (co)variances that are 0 in the parameter file will not be estimated.
The number of observations per each subset must be large enough to allow the estimation, and the missing-trait pattern should be similar. The program has not been tested in multiple-trait situations when one trait is present in some subclasses but always missing in another subclass.
number of samples and length of burn-in?
In the first run, if you have no idea about the number of samples and burn-in, just type your guess (10000 or whatever) for samples and (0) for burn-in. You may need 2 or 3 runs to figure out the convergence.
Give n to store every n-th sample?
Gibbs samples are usually highly correlated, so you do not have to keep all samples. Maybe every 10th,20th, 50th, …
To check the convergence and to calculate posterior means and SD, run postgibbsf90.
OPTION hetres_int 5 10
The position “5” to identify the interval in the data file and the number of intervals “10” for heterogeneous residual variances.
OPTION hetres_var
The file “hetres” should contain:
x11 x12 x13 x21 x22 x23 x31 x32 x33 y11 y12 y13 y21 y22 y23 y31 y32 y33 : : : z11 z12 z13 z21 z22 z23 z31 z32 z33
Give residual covariances for each interval (e.g., x, y, and z for traits 1, 2, and 3).
OPTION external_halfway_script name n
program gibbsf90+ will stop every n iterations, write samples of variances, unknowns (samples of solutions: in files last_solutions
(binary) and last_solutions.txt
(plain text) and thresholds, wait for external
process 'name
' to run and then restart.
This is useful to compute diagnostics from samples without storing them or modifying the program.
OPTION save_halfway_samples n
This option can help the 'cold start' (to continue the sampling when the program accidentally stops before completing the run). An integer value n is needed. In every n rounds, the program saves intermediate samples to 2 files (last_solutions
and binary_final_solutions
). The program can restart the sampling from the last round where the intermediate files were saved. The program also writes a log file save_halfway_samples.txt
with useful information for the next run.
To restart, add OPTION cont 1
to your parameter file and run gibbsf90+
again. Input 3 numbers (samples, burn-in, and interval) according to save_halfway_samples.txt. Gibbsf90+ can take care of all restarting process by itself, so no other tools are needed.
is not created. Recommendation is burn-in=0 (but it doesn't provide posterior mean and SD for solutions).gibbs_samples
, fort.99
, last_solutions
, and binary_final_solutions
at some point and write them back if needed. Put the following option in your parameter file for the first time when you run the program.
OPTION save_halfway_samples 100
Run gibbsf90+
. You will see the following message on screen.
'**** saving halfway samples in every 100 rounds (default=0)
In this example, we assume the number of total samples is 3000, the burn-in is 0, and the interval is 10.
number of samples and length of burn-in 3000 0 Give n to store every n-th sample? (1 means store all samples) 10
Make sure the intermediate results are saved to files.
100 rounds G 2758. 1900. 2019. 1900. 1690. 1656. 2019. 1656. 1737. G 225.5 -91.35 -9.998 -91.35 403.5 474.6 -9.998 474.6 702.2 R 1755. 868.7 817.0 868.7 2122. 1361. 817.0 1361. 1804. * Last seeds = 1877469549 348652151 * Number of samples kept = 100 solutions stored in binary file: "last_solutions" solutions stored in file: "binary_final_solutions"
Stop the program. In this case, program stops in the round 880.
880 rounds forrtl: error (69): process interrupted (SIGINT) Image PC Routine Line Source thrgibbs1f90 0000000000943031 Unknown Unknown Unknown thrgibbs1f90 0000000000941787 Unknown Unknown Unknown
Make sure there are the following 5 files.
binary_final_solutions fort.99 gibbs_samples last_solutions save_halfway_samples.txt
Browse the file save_halfway_samples.txt
. Only information in the 'suggestion' block is needed for the next run. The halfway samples were saved in the round 800 so you will start the sampling from the round 801 in the next run. Remaining 2200 rounds are needed to satisfy the initial goal (3000 rounds).
Saved on 2017-03-10 10:53:22 State in the current run: last round = 800 sampled in this run = 800 total number of samples = 3000 number of burn-in = 0 interval = 10 Suggestion for input in the next run: total number of samples = 2200 number of burn-in = 0 interval = 10 When you restart the program, do not forget to put the following option in your parameter file. OPTION cont 1
Put the option OPTION cont 1
to your parameter file manually (by hand). It can invoke the 'cold start' module in gibbsf90+
OPTION cont 1
Run gibbsf90+
again. You will see the following message on screen.
'*** continuous sampling selected *** previous # samples = 1
NOTE: Although the message may say the previous number of sample is 1, you can safely ignore it. The program runs with the cold start mode and it works correctly.
Input the three numbers that are shown in save_halfway_samples.txt
number of samples and length of burn-in 2200 0 Give n to store every n-th sample? (1 means store all samples) 10
The program will start from the round 801 as expected.
801 rounds G 828.0 601.3 610.8 601.3 996.3 877.4 610.8 877.4 822.8 G 2541. 1531. 1756. 1531. 1459. 1598. 1756. 1598. 1898. R 1800. 833.0 813.3 833.0 2114. 1303. 813.3 1303. 1778.
You can interrupt the program again. The results will be basically the same to ones from the non-stop analysis.
1. In the first run, set the burn-in 0 because of no clue for the convergence.
2. Therefore, in the first run, “OPTION solution …” should not be used without the exactly known burn-in xxx.
3. When you want BLUP solutions and their SDs, “OPTION fixed_var mean” can provide posterior means and posterior SD for all solutions without saving all samples.
4. Usually, a large number of iterations (samples) > 100,000, 200,000, or 300,000 is not needed when you have enough data. On the other hand, when you have small data (e.g., animals or phenotypes < 1000-10,000), increasing the number of Gibbs samples (e.g., 500,000 or 1,000,000) is not always useful. Small biased data cannot provide sufficient (reliable) posterior information.
5. It will be useful to compare the result with BLUPF90+.
6. Other tips in blupf90+ for VCE can be also useful.