This directory contains programs written in Fortran 90 by Ignacy Misztal and collaborators. These programs are focused on simplicity of programming, wide range of supported models and dynamic memory allocation. A general philosophy of developing these programs is described at SPARSEM is a collection of sparse matrix classes that makes programming with sparse matrices (and large problems) almost as easy as in the matrix language. BLUPF90 is a BLUP program written using SPARSEM. REMLF90 is a REML version of BLUPF90 that uses accelerated EM algorithm. Other programs included are dense matrix module DENSEOP, Gibbs sampling program GIBBS90, and several versions of linear-threshold models. The programs are available as Fortran 90 sources with Makefiles. No executables are available. To compile, a Fortran 90 compiler is necessary, at best under Unix. The programs are still in preliminary phases and therefore errors may still be present and diagnostics are not as good as they should be. Ignacy Misztal University of Georgia Athens, GA 30605, USA List of contents PROGS directory containing a compressed tar file. File Readme in the main directory contains directions how to compile the programs. LINUXBIN binaries for Linux under ReadHat 2.1; may be out of date. WINBIN selected binaries for Windows; may be out of date; also contains tar.exe, a program to uncompress tar file under Microsoft Windows. DOCS directory containing manuals in PDF format COMMCHAR Information on requested contributions for commercial applications of FSPAK, which is part of FSPAK90 in SPARSEM; in Word Perfect 6.0 (wp6) or Ascii (txt). Changes List of bug fixes or modifications; may not be up to date; the up-to-date list is available in PROGRAMS. Please check this file to see whether a problem/bug that you experience has been fixed. The programs are copyrighted but are free for research use. Commercial users are asked for a small contribution to support development of these programs. Compilers for Fortran 90 still have many bugs. Therefore problems on some platforms can be expected. At one point the programs have worked on Sun, DOS using Lahey or Absoft compiler, on Linux using Absoft compiler, on SGI, RS6000 and DEC. Currently, the main development is under Absoft/Linux. For information on the Absoft Fortran 90 compiler, visit