THRGIBBS1F90 - Gibbs sampler for threshold-linear mixed models Written by DeukHwan Lee at the University of Georgia, 2001. Derived from GIBBS2F90 by I. Misztal (2001). Rewritten by Shogo Tsuruta, 2004 last modified 09/05/2008 Functionality ------------- THRGIBBS1F90 implements Gibbs sampler for mixed threshold-linear models involving multiple categorical and linear variables. Thresholds and variances can be computed or assumed. The followong options are available: Parameters ---------- The parameter file is the same as for BLUPF90 except for options. Options ------- OPTION cat 0 0 2 5 0s indicate that the first and second traits are linear. 2 and 5 indicate that the third and fourth traits are categorical with 2 and 5 categories. OPTION fix_var 0 If the number is 0, all solutions are stored every round. assuming that (co)variances set in the parameter file are known, OPTION fix_var 1 only posterior means and SD for solutions are calculated. OPTION solution 0 If the number is 0, all solutions are stored every round. OPTION solution 1 Otherwise posterior means and SD for solutions are stored. OPTION cont 10000 10000 is the number of samples run previously. The user can restart the program from the last run. OPTION prior 10 10 is the degree of belief for the priors specified in the parameter file. OPTION seed 123 -432 Two seeds for a random number generator can be specified.