# pm3dConvertToImage.awk # Written by Petr Mikulik, mikulik@physics.muni.cz # Code of pm3dImage contributed by Dick Crawford # Version: 8. 7. 2002 # # This awk script tries to compress maps in a postscript file created by pm3d # or gnuplot with pm3d splotting mode. If the input data formed a rectangular # equidistant map (matrix), then its postscript representation is converted # into an image operator with 256 levels (of gray or colour). This conversion # makes the image 20 times smaller. # # Usage: # gnuplot>set out "|awk -f pm3dConvertToImage.awk >image.ps" # or # your_shell>awk -f pm3dConvertToImage.awk image.ps # # Distribution policy: this script belongs to the distribution of pm3d and # gnuplot programs. # # Notes: # - no use of run length encoding etc --- you are welcome to contribute # an awk implementation # # History of changes: # - 8. 7. 2002 Petr Mikulik: Don't fail on empty map. Treat properly both # cases of scans_in_x. # - 4. 7. 2002 Petr Mikulik: Fix for compressing several images in one file. # - 3. 10. 2001 Petr Mikulik: Replaced "stroke" by "Stroke" in the "/g" # definition - fixes conversion of colour images. # - 16. 5. 2000 Petr Mikulik and Dick Crawford: The first version. # # License: public domain. BEGIN { err = "/dev/stderr" if (ARGC!=1) { print "pm3dConvertToImage.awk --- (c) Petr Mikulik, Brno. Version 8. 7. 2002" >err print "Compression of matrix-like pm3d .ps files into 256 levels image. See also" >err print "header of this script for more info." >err print "Usage:\n\t[stdout | ] awk -f pm3dConvertToImage.awk [out_file.ps" >err print "Example for gnuplot:" >err print "\tset out \"|awk -f pm3dConvertToImage.awk >smaller.ps\"" >err print "Hint: the region to be converted is between %pm3d_map_begin and %pm3d_map_end" >err print "keywords. Rename them to avoid converting specified region." >err error = -1 exit(1) } # Setup of main variables. inside_pm3d_map = 0 pm3d_images = 0 # The following global variables will be used: error=0 pm3dline=0 scans=0; scan_pts=0; scans_in_x=0 x1=0; y1 = 0; cell_x=0; cell_y=0 x2=0; y2 = 0; x2last=0; y2last=0 } ######################################## # Add definition of pm3dImage to the dictionary $1=="/BoxFill" && $NF=="def" { print print "/Stroke {stroke} def" print "/pm3dImage {/I exch def gsave % saves the input array" print " /ps 1 string def" # print " Color not {/g {setgray} def} if % avoid stroke in the usual def of /g" print " /Stroke {} def % avoid stroke in the usual def" print " I 0 get I 1 get translate I 2 get rotate % translate & rotate" print " /XCell I 3 get I 5 get div def % pixel width" print " /YCell I 4 get I 6 get div def % pixel height" print " 0 1 I 6 get 1 sub { % loop over rows" print " /Y exch YCell mul def % save y-coordinate" print " 0 1 I 5 get 1 sub { % loop over columns" print " XCell mul Y moveto XCell 0 rlineto 0 YCell rlineto" print " XCell neg 0 rlineto closepath % outline pixel" print " currentfile ps readhexstring pop % read hex value" print " 0 get cvi 255 div g % convert to [0,1]" print " fill } for } for grestore % fill pixel & close loops" print " } def" next } ######################################## # Start pm3d map region. !inside_pm3d_map && $1 == "%pm3d_map_begin" { inside_pm3d_map = 1 pm3d_images++ # initialize variables for the image description pm3dline = 0 scans = 1 row[scans] = "" x2 = -29999.123; y2 = -29999.123 next } ######################################## # Outside pm3d map region. !inside_pm3d_map { if ($1 == "%%Creator:") print $0 ", compressed by pm3dConvertToImage.awk" else if ($1 == "/g" && $2 == "{stroke") { # Replace "/g {stroke ...}" by "/g {Stroke ...}" (stroke cannot be used # in the pm3dImage region. $2 = "{Stroke" print } else print next } ######################################## # End of pm3d map region: write all. $1 == "%pm3d_map_end" { inside_pm3d_map = 0 if (pm3dline==0) { # empty map pm3d_images--; next; } if (scans_in_x) { grid_y = scan_pts; grid_x = scans; } else { grid_x = scan_pts; grid_y = scans; } print "Info on pm3d image region number " pm3d_images ": grid " grid_x " x " grid_y >err print "\tpoints: " pm3dline " scans: " scans " start point: " x1","y1 " end point: " x2","y2 >err # write image header print "%pm3d_image_begin" if (x1 > x2) { x1+=cell_x; x2+=cell_x; } # align offset of the image corner by the cell dimension if (y1 > y2) { y1+=cell_y; y2+=cell_y; } #ORIGINAL: scalex = (grid_x <= 1) ? cell_x : (x2-x1)*(grid_x/(grid_x-1)) scaley = (grid_y <= 1) ? cell_y : (y2-y1)*(grid_y/(grid_y-1)) if (scans_in_x) print "[ " x1 " " y1 " 90 " scaley " -" scalex " " grid_y " " grid_x " ] pm3dImage" else print "[ " x1 " " y1 " 0 " scalex " " scaley " " grid_x " " grid_y " ] pm3dImage" if (scan_pts*scans != pm3dline) { print "ERROR: pm3d image is not grid, exiting." >err error=1 exit(8) } # write the substituted image stuff for (i=1; i<=scans; i++) print row[i]; # write the tail of the image environment print "%pm3d_image_end" next } ######################################## # Read in the pm3d map/image data. { if (NF!=12 || toupper($2)!="G" || $5!="N") { print "ERROR: Wrong (non-pm3d map) data on line " NR ", exiting." >err error=1 exit(8) } pm3dline++; if (pm3dline==1) { # first point of the map x1=$3; y1=$4; cell_x=$8; x2=x1; y2=y1; cell_y=$9; } else { x2last=x2; y2last=y2; # remember previous point x2=$3; y2=$4; # remember the current point } if (pm3dline==2) { # determine whether data are scans in x or in y if (y1==y2) { # y=const, scan in x scans_in_x = 0; if (x1==x2) { print "ERROR: First two points are identical?! Exiting." >err error=1 exit(5) } } else { # x=const, scan in y if (x1!=x2) { print "ERROR: Map is obviously not rectangular, exiting." >err error=1 exit(5) } scans_in_x = 1; } } if ( pm3dline>2 && ((!scans_in_x && y2!=y2last) || (scans_in_x && x2!=x2last)) ) { if (scans==1) scan_pts = pm3dline-1 scans++ row[scans] = "" } # now remember the intensity row[scans] = row[scans] sprintf( "%02X", $1*255 ); next } # reading map/image data ######################################## # The end. END { if (error == 0 && inside_pm3d_map) { print "ERROR: Corrupted pm3d block: \"%pm3d_map_end\" not found." >err error=1 } if (error==0) { if (pm3d_images==0) print "No pm3d image found in the input file." >err else print "There were " pm3d_images " pm3d image(s) found in the input file." >err } else if (error>0) { print "An ERROR has been reported. This file is INCORRECT." print "An ERROR has been reported. Output file is INCORRECT." >err } } # eof pm3dConvertToImage.awk