Fixes 05/?/94 log-detrminant incorrect on some computers tol in mkldet should be declared as real*4 06/02/94 second should be declared as real*4 06/15/94 checkb return too conservative estimate when the matrix was less than full rank. 11/18/94 tol of 1d-6 may be too high. replaced by 1d-9. Ja in option 61 is permuted and thus not in original order; no changes made but manual modified. 11/21/94 sparse inverse in option 60 generated elements with column index 0 for each inverse element close to 0; inversion caused segmentation error especially with large data sets; 11/23/94 option 61 computed incorrectly off-diagonals for a small fraction of inverse elements and only with selected data sets; memory reserved was excessive 12/27/94 real*8 variables were not aligned, which created problems especially on DEC Alpha computers; real*8 are now aligned, however, the work vector in fspak needs to be aligned; in the easiest case that vector can be equivalenced with any real*8 variable, which is aligned automatically by the compiler. 1/17/95 FSPAK crashes when some equations are empty. 10/1/97 FSPAK returns with insufficient memory message when memory available is sufficient but smaller than the largest memory available in previous calls to FSPAK. 5/25/07 Operations to multiply by factor (s_original) or its inverse (s_inverse) added by Juan Pablo Sanchez. Some redundant declarations deleted 1/14/08 do while( and found(k)) in SEGPATH generated errors with bound checking or with some compilers. Code rewritten.