c ---------------- subroutine fspak c ---------------- + (option,n,ia,ja,a,b,flag,iout,ioor, + available,needed,is,fnode,bnode, + fnseg,bnseg,fx,feqb,irank) c ----------------------------------------------------------- c Public Sparse Matrix Package for Symmetric Matrices c Authors: Miguel Perez-Enciso, Ignacy Misztal, Mauricio Elzo c Mon Aug 24, 1992 12:39:46 - Jan 17, 1995 c ----------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer zero,order,symfac,numfac,solve,sinit,ssolve + ,det,ldet,check,spin,spin1,restart,stat,equal,mx_st parameter (order=10, symfac=20, numfac=40, solve=50, + sinit=51, ssolve=52, det=54, ldet =55, + check=56, spin=60, spin1=61, restart=70, + stat=80, equal=1, mx_st=50 ) integer available,r_avail + ,delta,flag,ioor,iout,n,ia(1),ja(1),is(available) + ,fnode(1),bnode(1),fnseg,bnseg,feqb,irank,ratio,fratio + ,path,found,fpath,fstart,fpnode,bpath,bstart,bpnode + ,maxju,maxu,needed,maxneed,i,adjncy,d,invp,iu,iju,ju,u + ,maxint,nza,nzad,option,perm,iap,jap,ap,xadj,first,ios + ,zja,za,zd,utia,utja,work1,work2,work3,work4,work5,work6 + ,even,count_nza real*8 a(1),b(1),fx(1),st(mx_st),t_t,t0,tol real*4 second equivalence (st(1),maxju),(st(2),maxu),(st(3),maxneed),(st(4),nza) c this is to avoid that the value of ratio is lost c with dynamic allocation memory save ratio data st/mx_st*0./,first/0/ c.. tolerance for accuracy in solution (in options numfac and check) + ,tol/1.d-9/ c function to ensure that real*8 variables are assigned an even address. even(i)=2*(i/2)+1 flag=0 t_t=second() c ----------------------------------------------- c first time it checks whether ratio equal 1 or 2 c ----------------------------------------------- if (first.eq.0) then ratio=fratio() first=1 endif c ------------------------------------------- c no. of off-diagonal nze in upper triangular c ------------------------------------------- c ----comment either line; first one is faster but takes more memory nza=(ia(n+1)-1) c nza=count_nza(n,ia,ja,iout) c -------------------- c no. of nze in adjncy c -------------------- nzad=2*nza c ---------------- c allocate storage c ---------------- perm = 1 invp = perm + n c ------------------------- if (option.eq.order) then c ------------------------- xadj = invp + n adjncy = xadj + n+1 work1 = adjncy + nzad work2 = work1 + n work3 = work2 + n work4 = work3 + n needed = work4 + n call checkst (option,needed,maxneed,available,iout,flag) if (flag.ne.0) return c -------------------------------------------------- c max integer (used as flag in the ordering routine) c -------------------------------------------------- maxint=9999999 c --------------------------------------------------------- c parameter for type of ordering -1=MD, 0=MMD, >0=slack MMD c --------------------------------------------------------- delta=0 call unfold + (n,ia,ja,is(xadj),is(adjncy),is(work1)) t0=second() c ------------------------------- c if mmd ordering routines by Liu c ------------------------------- call genmmd + (n,is(xadj),is(adjncy),is(invp),is(perm),delta, + is(work1),is(work2),is(work3),is(work4),maxint, + maxju) c --------------------------- c elseif md sparspak routines c --------------------------- c work5 = work4 + n c work6 = work5 + n c needed= work6 + n c call checkst (option,needed,maxneed,available,iout,flag) c if(flag.ne.0) return c call genqmd c + (n,is(xadj),is(adjncy),is(perm),is(invp), c + is(work1),is(work2),is(work3),is(work4), c + is(work5),is(work6),maxju) st(21)=st(21)+second()-t0 c ------------------------------ c write down permutation vectors c ------------------------------ rewind ioor write(ioor,*) n,maxju write(ioor,'(10i7)') (is(i),i=perm,perm+n-1), + (is(i),i=invp,invp+n-1) c ------------------------------- elseif (option.eq.restart) then c ------------------------------- rewind ioor i=0 read(ioor,*,end=1) i,maxju 1 if(i.eq.n) then read(ioor,'(10i7)',end=2) (is(i),i=perm,perm+n-1), + (is(i),i=invp,invp+n-1) 2 inquire(ioor,iostat=ios) if (ios.ne.0) then write(iout,*) 'error in unit IOOR ' flag=-2 endif else if (i.ne.0) then write(iout,*) 'incorrect size of permutation vector' write(iout,*) 'size ',i,' found; size ',n, ' required' endif flag=-1 endif c ------------------------------ elseif (option.eq.symfac) then c ------------------------------ iu = invp + n iju = iu + n+1 ju = iju + n+1 xadj = ju + maxju adjncy = xadj + n+1 work1 = adjncy + nzad work2 = work1 + n work3 = work2 + n needed = work3 + n call checkst (option,needed,maxneed,available,iout,flag) if (flag.ne.0) return t0=second() call unfold + (n,ia,ja,is(xadj),is(adjncy),is(work1)) call smbfct + (n,is(xadj),is(adjncy),is(perm),is(invp),is(iu), + maxu,is(iju),is(ju),maxju,is(work1),is(work2), + is(work3),flag) st(22)=st(22)+second()-t0 else iu = invp + n iju = iu + n+1 ju = iju + n+1 d = even(ju + maxju) u = even(d + n*ratio) c -------------------------- if (option.eq.numfac) then c -------------------------- iap = u + maxu*ratio jap = iap + n+1 ap = even(jap + nza) work1 = even(ap + nza*ratio) needed = work1 + n*ratio call checkst (option,needed,maxneed,available,iout,flag) if (flag.ne.0) return t0=second() c --------------------------------------- c first load numerical values of a into u c --------------------------------------- call loadap + (n,ia,ja,a,is(iap),is(jap),is(ap),is(d),is(invp), + is(work1)) call loadu + (n,is(iap),is(jap),is(ap),is(iu),is(ju),is(iju), + is(u),is(work1)) work1 = u + maxu*ratio work2 = work1 + n work3 = even(work2 + n) needed = work3 + n*ratio call checkst (option,needed,maxneed,available,iout,flag) if (flag.ne.0) return c ----------------------- c numerical factorization (slightly modified sparspak routine) c ---------------------------------- call fgsfct + (n,is(iu),is(u),is(iju),is(ju),is(d),is(work1), + is(work2),is(work3),flag,tol,irank) call merlin (n,is(iu),is(u),is(d),tol) st(24)=st(24)+second()-t0 st(11)=st(11)+1 c ---------- c zero pivot c ---------- if(flag.ne.0) flag=numfac*1000000 + flag c ----------------------------- elseif (option.eq.solve) then c ----------------------------- work1 = even(u + maxu*ratio) needed = work1 + n*ratio t0=second() call permute (n,b,is(work1),is(invp)) call fullfb + (n,is(iu),is(ju),is(iju),is(u),is(d),is(work1)) call permute (n,is(work1),b,is(perm)) st(25)=st(25)+second()-t0 st(12)=st(12)+1 c -------------------------------------------------- elseif (option.ge.sinit.and.option.le.ssolve) then c -------------------------------------------------- path = u + maxu*ratio found = path + n work1 = even(found + n) fstart= work1 + n*ratio fpnode= fstart+ fnseg+1 needed= fpnode+ fnseg call checkst c ------------------------------------------ c allows a safety margin for fpath and bpath c ------------------------------------------ + (option,needed+200,maxneed,available,iout, + flag) if(flag.ne.0) return c ------------------------- if (option.eq.sinit) then c ------------------------- c initialize and computes factorization table c ------------------------------------------- call rzero (n,is(work1)) call lzero (n,is(found)) call makepath (n,is(path),is(iu),is(ju),is(iju)) c ------------------------------ elseif (option.eq.ssolve) then c ------------------------------ t0=second() fpath = fpnode + fnseg c ------------------------------------------------------ c obtains forward path (in the permuted vector of nodes) c ------------------------------------------------------ call spermute (fnseg,fnode,is(fpnode),is(invp)) call segpath + (n,is(fpnode),fnseg,is(fstart),is(fpath), + is(path),is(found)) st(34)=st(34)+is(fstart+fnseg)-1 if(feqb.eq.equal) then needed= fpath + is(fstart+fnseg)-1 call checkst + (option,needed,maxneed,available,iout, + flag) if (flag.ne.0) return c ----------------------------- c initialize working rhs vector c ----------------------------- call zerout (is(work1),is(fpath),is(fstart),fnseg) c ---------------- c input rhs values c ---------------- call expand (fnseg,is(fpnode),fx,is(work1)) c ----- c solve c ----- call fastfb + (is(fpath),is(fstart),fnseg,is(fpath), + is(fstart),fnseg,is(iu),is(ju),is(iju), + is(u),is(d),is(work1)) c --------------------- c stores solutions in b c --------------------- call compress (fnseg,is(fpnode),b,is(work1)) st(31)= max0(int(st(31)),is(fstart+fnseg)-1) st(35)=st(35)+is(fstart+fnseg)-1 else bstart = fpath + is(fstart+fnseg)-1 bpnode = bstart+ bnseg+1 bpath = bpnode+ bnseg c ---------------------------------- c obtains backward path if necessary c ---------------------------------- call spermute (bnseg,bnode,is(bpnode),is(invp)) call segpath + (n,is(bpnode),bnseg,is(bstart), + is(bpath),is(path),is(found)) needed= bpath + is(bstart+bnseg)-1 call checkst + (option,needed,maxneed,available,iout, + flag) if (flag.ne.0) return call zerout (is(work1),is(bpath),is(bstart),bnseg) call zerout (is(work1),is(fpath),is(fstart),fnseg) call expand (fnseg,is(fpnode),fx,is(work1)) call fastfb + (is(fpath),is(fstart),fnseg,is(bpath), + is(bstart),bnseg,is(iu),is(ju),is(iju), + is(u),is(d),is(work1)) call compress (bnseg,is(bpnode),b,is(work1)) st(31)=max(int(st(31)),is(bstart+bnseg)-1) st(35)=st(35)+is(bstart+bnseg)-1 endif st(13)=st(13)+1 st(27)=st(27)+second()-t0 st(30)=max(int(st(30)),fnseg) st(31)=max(int(st(31)),bnseg) st(32)=st(32)+fnseg st(33)=st(33)+bnseg endif c --------------------------- elseif (option.eq.det) then c --------------------------- call mkdet (n,is(d),b,irank,tol,iout,flag) st(14)=st(14)+1 c ---------------------------- elseif (option.eq.ldet) then c ---------------------------- call mkldet (n,is(d),b,irank,tol,iout,flag) st(14)=st(14)+1 c ---------------------------- elseif (option.eq.check) then c ---------------------------- work1 = u + maxu*ratio call checkb + (n,ia,ja,a,is(d),b,fx,tol,is(work1),is(invp) + ,iout,flag) c ---------------------------- elseif (option.eq.spin) then c ---------------------------- zja = u + maxu*ratio za = even(zja + maxu+n) zd = even(za + (maxu+n)*ratio) utia = zd + n*ratio utja = utia + n+1 work1 = utja + maxu+n work2 = work1 + n work3 = even(work2 + n) needed = work3 + n*ratio call checkst (option,needed,maxneed,available,iout,flag) if (flag.ne.0) return t0=second() call fsinverse + (n,is(perm),is(invp),is(d),is(iju),is(ju), + is(iu),is(u),is(work3),is(za),is(zd), + is(zja),is(utia),is(utja), + is(work1),is(work2),ia,ja,a) st(26)=st(26)+second()-t0 st(15)=st(15)+1 c ---------------------------- elseif (option.eq.spin1) then c ---------------------------- work1 = even(u + maxu*ratio) work2 = even(work1 + n*ratio) work5 = even(work2 + n*ratio) needed = work5 + nza+n call checkst (option,needed,maxneed,available,iout,flag) if (flag.ne.0) return t0=second() call fsinverse1 + (n,is(perm),is(invp),is(d),is(iju),is(ju), + is(iu),is(u),is(work1),is(work2),is(work1), + is(work2),is(work5),ia,ja,a) st(26)=st(26)+second()-t0 st(15)=st(15)+1 c ---------------------------- elseif (option.eq.stat) then c ---------------------------- call figureout (n,available,iout,st,irank) c ---- else c ---- write(iout,*) 'option no. ',option,' not implemented' flag=-99 endif endif st(20)=st(20)+second()-t_t return end