program ftestinv c Inversion test program for FSPAK c Written by I. Misztal 11/22/94 based on Miguel Perez_Enciso FTEST.F c tests inversion by solving, speed- and memory-optimized inversions. c c Format of data file: "i j a_ij", upper-diagonalelements only, sorted c in ascending order c c Name of data file hard-coded in subroutine getfile below. When replacing this c file modify the number of equation max_n and number of nonzero elements max_nz c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer available,max_n,max_nze,irank,i,j parameter (max_n=600 , max_nze=5000 , available=25000) integer n, ia(max_n+1), ja(max_nze),ib(max_n+1), jb(max_nze), + flag, iout, ioor, needed + ,is(available), fnode(max_n), bnode(max_n), fnseg + ,bnseg, feqb real*8 a(max_nze), b(max_nze), c(max_nze),d(max_nze), e(max_nze), + fx(max_n), one, zero, + x(3),y(max_n) real t,second print*,' FSPAK inversion test by direct solve, options 60 and 61' print*,' input file "egin" I. Misztal (11/23/94)' print* c ----------------------------------------- c read data file c ----------------------------------------- call getfile(n,max_nze,max_n,'egin',ib,jb,b) call cpy(n,max_nze,max_n,ib,jb,b,ia,ja,a) one=1. zero=0. iout=1 ioor=2 open(iout,file='fspak.out') open(ioor,file='fspak.ord') c ------------- c find ordering c ------------- t=second() call fspak (10 + ,n,ia,ja,a,y,flag,iout,ioor,available,needed,is + ,fnode,bnode,fnseg,bnseg,fx,feqb,irank) call checkf(10,flag,available,needed,t) c ---------------------- c symbolic factorization c ---------------------- call fspak (20 + ,n,ia,ja,a,y,flag,iout,ioor,available,needed,is + ,fnode,bnode,fnseg,bnseg,fx,feqb,irank) call checkf(20,flag,available,needed,t) c ----------------------- c numerical factorization c ----------------------- call fspak (40 + ,n,ia,ja,a,y,flag,iout,ioor,available,needed,is + ,fnode,bnode,fnseg,bnseg,fx,feqb,irank) call checkf(40,flag,available,needed,t) c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c Now three ways of obtaining the diagonal elements of the inverse c c - dense vector solving c - speed-optimized inversion c - memory-optimized inversion c ---------------------- do i=1,n do j=1,n y(j)=zero enddo y(i)=one c ----- c solve c ----- call fspak (50 + ,n,ia,ja,a,y,flag,iout,ioor,available,needed,is + ,fnode,bnode,fnseg,bnseg,fx,feqb,irank) c copy to c do j=ib(i),ib(i+1)-1 c(j)=y(jb(j)) enddo enddo if (i.eq.1) call checkf(50,flag,available,needed,t) c.. check whether Ax = b for last column of inverse do i=1,n WRITE(IOUT,*) B(I) fx(i)=0 enddo fx(n)=1 call fspak (56 + ,n,ia,ja,a,y,flag,iout,ioor,available,needed,is + ,fnode,bnode,fnseg,bnseg,fx,feqb,irank) if( write(iout,*) 'Error in solution Ax <> b' c ---------------------------------------- c check before whether enough room in JA,A c ---------------------------------------- if(max_nze .lt. 2*(ia(n+1)-1-n) ) then write(iout,*) 'Increase max_ja to ',2*(ia(n+1)-1-n) stop endif call cpy(n,max_nze,max_n,ib,jb,b,ia,ja,a) t=second() call fspak (60 + ,n,ia,ja,a,y,flag,iout,ioor,available,needed,is + ,fnode,bnode,fnseg,bnseg,fx,feqb,irank) call checkf(60,flag,available,needed,t) c call prss(n,max_nze,max_n,ia,ja,a) call rzero(n,y) do i=1,n do j=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 y(ja(j))=a(j) enddo do j=ib(i),ib(i+1)-1 d(j)=y(jb(j)) enddo do j=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 y(ja(j))=0 enddo enddo call cpy(n,max_nze,max_n,ib,jb,b,ia,ja,a) call fspak (61 + ,n,ia,ja,a,y,flag,iout,ioor,available,needed,is + ,fnode,bnode,fnseg,bnseg,fx,feqb,irank) call checkf(61,flag,available,needed,t) call rzero(n,y) do i=1,n do j=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 y(ja(j))=a(j) enddo do j=ib(i),ib(i+1)-1 e(j)=y(jb(j)) enddo do j=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 y(ja(j))=0 enddo enddo print*,'differences over 1e-6:' x(1)=0 x(2)=0 x(3)=0 do j=1,n do i=ib(j),ib(j+1)-1 x(1)=x(1)+abs(c(i)) x(2)=x(2)+abs(d(i)-c(i)) x(3)=x(3)+abs(e(i)-c(i)) if (abs(d(i)-c(i))+abs(e(i)-c(i)).gt.1d-4) then print '(2i6,2x,3g14.4)',j,jb(i),c(i),d(i),e(i) endif enddo enddo print* print*,'Avg difference between option 60 and solving:',x(2)/x(1) print*,'Avg difference between option 61 and solving:',x(3)/x(1) end subroutine getfile(n,m,p,name,ib,jb,b) character name*(*) integer n,p,m,ib(p),jb(m),i,j,k,oldi real*8 b(m),a open(1,file=name) n=0 ib(1)=1 k=0 oldi=0 10 read(1,*,end=100)i,j,a if ( stop if ( then print*,'increase max_n' stop endif ib(i+1)=ib(i+1)+1 k=k+1 if ( then print*,'increase max_nze' stop endif jb(k)=j b(k)=a oldi=i n=i goto 10 100 if (n.eq.0) then print*,'0 elements' stop endif do i=2,n+1 ib(i)=ib(i)+ib(i-1) enddo print '(''read'',i8,'' equations and'',i9,'' coefficients'')',i,k end subroutine cpy(n,m,p,ib,jb,b,ia,ja,a) integer n,p,m,ib(p),jb(m),ia(p),ja(m),i real*8 a(m),b(m) do i=1,n+1 ia(i)=ib(i) enddo do i=1,ib(n+1)-1 a(i)=b(i) ja(i)=jb(i) enddo end subroutine prss(n,m,p,ia,ja,a) integer n,m,p,ia(p),ja(m),i,j real*8 a(m) do i=1,n do j=ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 print*,i,ja(j),a(j) enddo enddo end subroutine checkf(opt,flag,available,needed,t) c checks flag and prints memory and time integer opt,flag,available,needed real t,second c if ( then print*,'option ',opt print*,'needed ',needed,' memory, available ',available stop endif if ( then print*,'flag ',flag,' in option ', opt stop endif print 10,opt,100.0*needed/available, second()-t 10 format(' option',i3,' used ',f5.1,'% memory and',f8.2,' sec.') t=second() end