JAA 2.0 -- animal model iteration program for solutions and reliabilities Upgrade information - DRAFT I. Misztal, University of Illinois E-mail address: ignacy@uiuc.edu, tel. (217) 244-3164 last correction:, 10-02-93. Disclaimer This program was developed for my own research. It is believed to be reasonably free of serious errors, but few attempts have been made to make it resistant to errors in parameter and input files. Please use it at your own risk. Distribution The program is free for research applications. Please contact the author for information on commercial use. In any case, please acknowledge the use of this program in publications. The second edition of JAA is able to calculate reliabilities and it can accommodate covariables. See the manual for the previous version (JAAMAN) for description of basic JAA program. This update only provides additional descriptions for the new features. Reliability Models are restricted to those supported by JAA (see the JAA manual). Reliabilities are estimated correctly when: 1. Fixed management effect is first on the parameter list, 2. animal effect is last on the parameter list, 3. permament environmental effect (optional) is one before the last, 4. the animal effect should be ordered as follows: a) animals with records, b) animals without records, c) unknown parent groups. A companion program RENUM can compute the desired ordering. 5. Permanent environmental and animal effects should have the same number for same animals. 6. JAA 2.0 will calculate reliabilities if the parameter file contains one additional line, containing 1. The program asks for the number of iterations interactively. 10 rounds should be sufficient. The procedure is described in: Misztal, I., and G.R. Wiggans. 1988. Approximation of prediction error variance in large-scale animal models. J. Dairy Sci. 71 (Suppl. 2):27-32. Misztal, I., G. R. Wiggans, T.J. Lawlor, and T. Short. 1991. Continuous genetic evaluation of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 74:2001-2009. Misztal, I. 1993. Single and multiple trait implementation of animal model for type traits. J. Dairy Science. 76:1421-1432. Covariable Covariable is denoted by negative number of levels. Please note that the program accepts integer input only, and that real numbers in input will be truncated to integers. Example for reliability Parameter file (iap) ic is pp 4 5 .8 5 2 3 0 3 6 10 4 4 20 1 14 -2 1 Data file (ic) 1 1 1 1 10 2 1 2 1 11 3 2 3 2 15 4 2 4 3 13 5 3 5 4 14 6 3 6 3 12 Pedigree file (is) 1 12 8 2 2 1 8 1 3 2 9 1 4 7 10 1 5 12 11 2 6 1 10 1 7 13 14 3 8 5 11 1 9 13 8 2 10 7 14 2 11 13 14 3 Execution (more rounds may be necessary in practice) [E:\FOR\PEV]jaa20 name of a file with parameters, con - if console: iap iteration no. convergence criterion last solution 1 1.000000 0.000000E+00 2 1.135215E-04 0.000000E+00 3 1.573324E-04 -1.075020E-01 4 1.654363E-04 -3.614665E-01 how many more iterations, 0-none? 0 In approximate Prediction Error Variance for animals it will be assumed that: first effect is fixed like HYS the last effect is animal effect before the last is permanent environment detected 3 unknown parent group(s) Calculation of approximate PEV iteration no. convergence PEV(1) PEV(2) .... 1 1.3012 .6620 .6620 .5749 .4878 .4878 more pev rounds? 5 2 .8661 .6859 .6943 .5899 .4878 .4961 3 .6385 .7128 .7296 .5998 .4997 .5182 4 .4624 .7316 .7493 .6132 .5096 .5298 5 .3375 .7448 .7631 .6244 .5172 .5415 6 .2443 .7541 .7733 .6319 .5217 .5494 more pev rounds? 0 solutions and reliabilities were stored in file sol [E:\FOR\PEV] Solution file (sol) 10.4747 .000 13.9940 .000 13.0449 .000 -.0277 .000 .0277 .000 .0509 .000 -.0509 .000 .0498 .000 -.0498 .000 .0000 .000 .0256 .000 -.0510 .000 .0250 .000 -.0302 .274 .2435 .279 .4241 .240 -.4721 .207 .3785 .216 -.4765 .243 -.3796 .067 .3472 .165 .3671 .081 -.5383 .100 .1273 .075 .1375 .000 .0361 .000 -.3615 .000 Example for regression Data file (bb) 1 2 10 1 3 16 1 4 20 Execution [E:\FOR\PEV]jaa20 name of a file with parameters, con - if console: con data name: bb name of file with animal relationships: null name of output file: pp no of factors, trait pos., rel. factor,iterations?: 2 3 0 1 for each factor give position, no of levels, and variance ratio, 0 if fixed, negative if relat. matrix no of levels < 0 denotes covariable 2 -1 0 1 1 0 iteration no. convergence criterion last solution 1 1.000000 2.298800E-02 how many more iterations, 0-none? 5 2 1.959441E-05 4.439036E-02 3 1.703084E-05 6.431834E-02 4 1.479766E-05 8.287239E-02 5 1.285323E-05 1.001460E-01 how many more iterations, 0-none? 0 solutions were stored in file sol [E:\FOR\PEV] Results (sol) 5.0777 .1001