The DODO system

Several computers in the Breeding and Genetics Group at ADS/UGA run Linux.
All of them have names starting with dodo:

name     #processors  mem(G)   comment
dodo7        4              4            older Pentium based
dodo6        4            20            newer Pentium based
dodo16      2            16           older AMD Opteron
dodo6        2            64           newer AMD Opteron


Dodo6 is the main development computer for intensive jobs. For examples use dodo7. Dodod64 is restricted to large jobs requiring large memory.

On each computer avoid running a job when too many other jobs are running. Also, please check that the combined programs do not use more memory than available.

Lowering priority

1. For programs already running: type top, press "r", type process number, type return, type 20, type return
. For program to be started: precede with nice +20, e.g., nice +20 a.out

File system

Space under /home is small, and under /work and /scr is large. Directories /home and /work will be backed up but /scr will not.

Use /home for programs and small datasets. Use /work for datasets that need to be stored permanently. Use /scr for temporary files.

Each computer should have a private scratch space called scr6 for dodo6, etc. Use these directories for long programs with plenty of disk operations, e.g., Gibbs or iteration on data.

Clean your directories periodically or Mike Kelly will do this for you.

If anybody has any problems with the computers, please ask Mike.

last updated 3/18/2009