Instructions on how to use X windows through VNC (Virtual Network Computing)

VNC is a system that allows a Windows machine to display X Windows from a Unix or Linux machine on Windows using only a very small program under Windows (vncserver). The connection between Windows and Unix can be terminated any time, however, after resuming the connection, the screen of the system will appear as before the termination.

VNC can also be used to remotely connect to a Windows machine.

Instructions on how to get VNC running between Linux and Windows

Instructions below asume that the Linux system to connect to is If this is another computer, modify steps accordingly. The installation requires two files:
puttty.exe and vncviewer.exe for Windows.

Initial setup

1. Open putty.exe under Windows

2. Fill in options:
        - under "Saved Sessions", type dodo3
        - click on SSH
        - under "Host Name", type

3. Click on left on "Tunnels"
        click on "Enable X11 forwarding"

4. Click on left on SSH
        - click on "Enable compression"

5. Click on left on "Connection"
        -  Fill in your username

6. Click on left on "Session"
        - Click save button

First -time connection  (assumes VNCSERVER installed under Linux)

7. Open putty.exe
8. click twice on dodo3 and login
9. type vncserver; note display number (number after :)
10. On PC, click on vncviewer.exe
11. Type    (replace :1 by display number from step 9)
12. Login (windows will appear)
13. Turn off the screen saver:
    - go to Preferences/Screensavers
    -set mode: Disable screen saver

To disconnect temporarily, close vncviewer

To relog, start from 10

To kill session on dodo3, log on to dodo3 and type
        vncserver -kill :1 (:1 may be replaced by another display number., e.g., :2).

To restart session, open putty and continue from 6

If you would like to run a nice gnome desktop, go to .vnc directory, and change xstartup file to:

For more information on VNC software and VNC project,  see