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readme.qcf90 [2020/01/25 01:47] – [Manual] yutakareadme.qcf90 [2024/03/25 18:22] (current) – external edit
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 ===== Manual ===== ===== Manual =====
-   * [[|QCF90 Draft Manual]] (updated on January 24, 2020)+   * [[|QCF90 Draft Manual]] (updated on November 3, 2020)
 +===== Long-help =====
 +This is qcf90, Version 1.2.0. with zlib 
 + Yutaka Masuda, Ignacio Aguilar, Andres Legarra, and Ignacy Misztal
 + University of Georgia
 + usage: qcf90 [options]
 + Options:
 + Source file specification
 +   --snpfile mfile                           marker file
 +   --snpfile-header n                        skip first n lines as header
 +   --mapfile cfile                           read map file
 +   --maffile ffile                           read MAF file
 +   --pedfile pfile                           pedigree file
 +   --xrefid xfile                            XrefID file; assumed renumbered pedigree
 +   --statfile qfile                          read QC status from a file instead of computing
 + Marker quality-control (QC) options
 +   --qc {items}                            * quality control; see --long-help for details
 +   --crm n                                   call rate for markers; default=0.90
 +   --cra n                                   call rate for animals; default=0.90
 +   --maf n                                   minimum allele frequency; default=0.05
 +   --hwe n                                   check for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
 +   --trio                                    Mendelian check with sire-dam-progeny combination
 +   --skip-marker-list file                   marker positions to be skipped (temporarily excluded) in QC
 +   --skip-animal-list file                   animal ID (same as pedigree if supplied) to be skipped in QC
 +   --exclude-marker-list file                marker positions to be removed immediately
 +   --exclude-animal-list file                animal ID to be removed immediately
 +   --remove-markers                        * remove unqualified markers in subsequent QC steps
 +   --remove-animals                        * remove unqualified animals in subsequent QC steps
 +   --check-parentage                         check Mendelian inconsistency; equivalent to --qc par
 +   --check-format                          * check file format precisely
 +   --outcallrate                             save detailed call rate for markers and animals
 +   --number_parent_progeny_evaluations n     minimum pair of parent-progeny conflicts
 +   --exclusion_threshold n                   error rate for parent-progeny in parentage
 +   --exclusion_threshold_snp n               error rate for markers in parentage
 +   --outparent_progeny                       save all parent-progeny comparisons
 +   --out_snp_exclusion_error_rate            save all Mendelian conflicts for markers
 + Genomic identity checks
 +   --check-identity [file]                   check identical genotypes; compare within snpfile if no [file] specified
 +   --threshold-identity n                    criteria of identity = #matched/#compared excluding missing
 +   --random-markers-identity n               use random n markers for identity checks
 +   --fixed-markers-identity file             use a subset of markers in the file for identity checks
 +   --save-markers-identity                   save the randomly sampled markers used in identity checks
 + Marker options
 +   --sex-chr n..                             sex chromosome ID(s)
 +   --skip-chr n..                            chromosome ID(s) to be skipped in QC
 +   --exclude-chr n..                         chromosome ID(s) to be removed immediately
 + Pedigree options
 +   --ped-position a,s,d                      position of animal, sire, and dam ID; default=1,2,3
 +   --upg type                                definition of unknown parents groups (default="zero+negative")
 + Job control and performance options
 +   --script file                             read options from the file; overwritten with command-line options
 +   --halt-on-warning                         stop on warning (default: keep going with minor issues)
 +   --dry-run                                 show tasks to be performed; no computations
 +   --fastread                                read marker files quickly
 +   --marker-storage {type}                   format on memory storage; type={pack,int,real} default=pack
 +   --gzip-level                              gzip compression level
 +   --num-threads n                           number of threads used for OpenMP; default=1
 + File output options
 +   --save-log [file]                       * save log file; default=qcf90.log
 +   --save-status [file]                    * save QC status; default=qcf90.status
 +   --save-dot [file]                       * save dot file to visualize pedigree loops; default=pfile+".dot"
 +   --save-clean [suffix]                     save qualified files with the suffix; default="_clean"
 +   --cleanup-marker-flags n..                flags for markers being removed from clean files; default=all
 +   --cleanup-animal-flags n..                flags for animals being removed from clean files; default=all
 + Miscellaneous options
 +   --debug n                                 set debug level to n (default=0)
 +   --version                                 show version
 +   --help                                    show help
 +   --long-help                               show help, all options, and details
 + Quality control options: --qc {crm,maf,mono,hwe,cra,par,h2gc}
 +    * crm     call rate for markers
 +    * maf     minor allele frequency
 +    * mono    monomorphic markers
 +    * hwe     Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
 +    * cra     call rate for animals
 +    * par     parentage (Mendelian inconsistency) for markers and animals
 +    * h2gc    heritability of gene content
 +  * Set by default. Turn off the option by putting --no- as a prefix instead of --.
 +    For example, use --no-check-format to avoid checks for the file format.
 + Default criteria/threshold for quality control:
 +    crm        call rate for markers:            0.900
 +    maf        minor allele frequency:           0.050
 +    mono       monomorphic markers:             0 or 1
 +    hwe        Hardy-Weinberg deviations    
 +               abs(observed -  expected heterozygotes):      0.150
 +    cra        call rate for animals:            0.900
 +    par        parentage for markers and animals
 +               # of markers needed:                100
 +               error rate for animals:           0.010
 +               error rate for markers:           0.100
 +    identity of genotypes:                       0.990
 + </file>
readme.qcf90.1579916879.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/25 18:22 (external edit)

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