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Suggestions/fixes for blupf90 suite

Things that make user's life difficult
  1. idsol is postnumf90 but is not really well documented
  2. DONE: Open all files with status=old to avoid creating new empty file (cryptic error on output)
  3. Plain text readable file gibbs_samples with colnames R11 R12 … G11_11 G12_11… (postgibbsf90 is not easy and graphs do not work in most computers)
  4. DONE: use get_command_argument() in order not to use echo file.par | blupf90. Now one can use blupf90 file.par for all software
  5. DONE for gibbs1f90, gibbs2f90, gibbs3f90 : use getarg to pass gibbs arguments: gibbs2f90 mygibbs.par –rounds 10000 –burnin 1000 –thin 10
  6. DONE: informative help in inbupgf90: sends to wiki
  7. DONE: use method 2 (in memory) as default in inbupgf90 : done
  8. in several applications UPGs are conceived to come at the end of the renumbered pedigree. This is undocumented.
  1. Do A-1 with consideration of inbreeding unless requested not to
  2. OPTION skip datafile n to skip n lines (possibly colnames)
  3. OPTION skip pedfile n to skip
  4. DONE for gibbs2f90 : allow all missing in gibbs*f90 (in order not to edit files !!)
to_do.1475263275.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/25 18:22 (external edit)

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