ADS8200 - Computational techniques in animal breeding

Instructor: Ignacy Misztal, tel. 2-0951, email:

Grading: Homework will be assigned every week with one week due time.  The final grade will be 60% homework and 40% final exam.

Schedule: The first few weeks will be spent on Fortran 90/95.  The remaining time will be on actual computing techniques in animal breeding.

Recommended texts
The course notes from the previous course are available in PDF as course08.pdf. These notes will be updated as needed and as time permits.  At least one additional book on Fortran 90/95 is required. I suggest "Fortran 90/95 explained" by Metcalf and Reid, although any other textbook (not manual or reference guide) should be OK. For example, search for a fortran 95 book on and read customer reviews.

Additionally the following books can be useful:
    "Upgrading to Fortran 90" by Redwine - a book for someone who knows F77.
    "Fortran Top 90" by Adams et al. - an alphabetical description of major features of F90.
    "Numerical Recipees in Fortran" - a book on numerical algorithms with code in Fortran 90.

Site sells many books on Fortran including inexpensive books in PDF format, e.g., "Programming in Fortran 90/95" by Morgan and Schonfelder. Files of the Lahey or Absoft compiler contain reference PDF books on Fortran 90/95. These books are useful for quickly reviewing some particular features but not for learning the language. Books printed from PDF are bulky.

Some f90 tutorials can be found on the internet, e.g., and . See my f90 page for some extra information on Fortran 90/95.

All computing will be under Linux on Please contact Mike Kelley for an account if you don't have one.  Here are a few details on how to get around in Linux and compile a Fortran 90 program.

Click here for details how to get a terminal access program "putty" and graphical access program "vncserver".

Here is an information on computing under Linux. Here is some information on computers running Linux in the Breeding and Genetics group at ADS/UGA. .