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This program can transform solutions from linear or threshold model to probabilities based on CDF function with mean (threshold-sol or specified probability) and variance.

Options for threshold model

OPTION cat 2 0

The first trait is binary (categorical) and the second trait is continuous (linear)

OPTION anim or direct x

x is the effect number for additive genetic (direct animal) effects in the parameter file

OPTION mat x

x is the effect number for additive maternal effects in the parameter file


x is the effect number for permanent environmental effects in the parameter file


x is the effect number for contemporary group effects in the parameter file

OPTION cdf_var a b c

Specify direct genetic variance in a, maternal genetic variance in b, direct-maternal genetic covariance in c

OPTION percent x.x

Specify the percentage x.x (e.g., 75.0) as the base (mean)

OPTION evaluation MORT or CE

MORT is for traits such as mortality and infection (i.e., +EBV is worse); CE is for traits such as calving ease and conception rate (i.e., +EBV is better)

Options for transformation from linear model

OPTION trans 0 1

Solutions for the second trait from linear model will be transformed to probabilities

OPTION sol_type sol_acc

“sol_acc” uses “sol_and_acc” (default without this option uses “solutions”).

OPTION h2d x.x

x.x is the direct heritability from threshold model. It must be equal or greater than the heritability from linear model

OPTION h2m x.x

x.x is the maternal heritability from threshold model. It must be equal or greater than the heritability from linear model

readme.probcatf90.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/23 23:06 by shogo

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