This program is a post-processor tool for solutions obtained with blupf90+ or gibbsf90+ for random-regression models. The program outputs solutions, variances, and reliabilities for a specific point of the longitudinal scale (e.g., days in milk), for a cumulative interval of the longitudinal scale, or with a user-specified vector of coefficients. The program can calculate solutions, variances, and reliabilities for a weighted average of different traits. Additionally, (co)variances and heritabilities for each value of the longitudinal scale can be calculated.
OPTION include_effects e1 e2 e3
Effects e1, e2, and e3 are used to calculate the EBV and reliabilities
OPTION include_pev
Calculate EBV reliabilities based on a pev_pec file
OPTION minmaxrr min max
Specify the minimum (min) and maximum (max) value for standardizing the longitudinal scale
OPTION point p1 p2 p3
Calculations are made for specific points (p1, p2, p3) of the longitudinal scale
OPTION cumulative min max
Calculations are made for the cumulative interval between min and max values of the longitudinal scale
OPTION user_coeff x
Calculations are made for an user-specified vector of coefficients x
OPTION trait_group t1,t2,...,tn w1 w2 ... wn
Calculations are made for a weighted average for traits t1,t2,…,tn using weights w1 w2 … wn. Traits should be separated by commas, and weights by spaces.
OPTION daily_var e1 e2 e3
Calculates and stores (co)variances and heritabilities for each point of the longitudinal scale
OPTION solutionfile filename
Specify the solutions file name (default=solutions)
OPTION pevfile filename
Specify the pev_pec file name (default=pev_pec_bf90)
OPTION acctype x
Select the type of accuracy to calculate: reliability (x=1, default), accuracy (x=2), BIF accuracy (x=3)
OPTION readExternalInbreeding filename
Corrects reliabilities with inbreeding based on inbreeding coefficients in filename
Reads and stores solutions with original ids