Table of Contents

Genomic analyses using BLUPF90

SLU - Uppsala, Sweden

02 - 06 September 2019

Five-day course in genomic analyses with emphasis on single-step GBLUP

Taught by Ignacy Misztal and Daniela Lourenco (University of Georgia, USA)

Utility Programs & BLUPF90 download

BLUPF90 programs BLUPF90 Download

QMSim genomic data simulator QMSim Download

Xming Xming X Window System Server - for Windows

XQuatz X Quartz - for Mac

Putty 64-bit: putty.exe (the SSH and Telnet client itself)

MobaXterm Enhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server, tabbed SSH client, network tools and more

WinSCP WinSCP File Transfer

Editor Notepad++ Notepad++ 64-bit Installer

Course Materials

Course Outline

BLUPF90 Manual

Introduction to BLUPF90 suite programs


Day 1





Notes on Genomic Selection and ssGBLUP