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The programs support mixed models with multiple-correlated effects, multiple animal models and dominance.

Most of the programs now support being called with the parameter file as an argument, e.g.

 blupf90 renf90.par 

. This avoids typing the name of the file in interactive or doing the trick

 echo renf90.par | blupf90.par 


Download BLUPF90 family manual. Note that some programs repertoried below are not in the manual (e.g. inbupgf90)

  • BLUPF90 - BLUP in memory
  • REMLF90 - accelerated EM REML
  • QXPAK - joint analysis of QTL and polygenic effects (M. Perez-Enciso) QxPak web page
  • AIREMLF90 - Average Information REML with several options including EM-REML and heterogeneous residual variances (S. Tsuruta)
  • CBLUP90 - solutions for bivariate linear-threshold models
  • CBLUP90THR - as above but with thresholds computed and many linear traits (B. Auvray)
  • CBLUP90REML - as above but with quasi REML (B. Auvray)
  • GIBBSF90 - simple block implementation of Gibbs sampling
  • GIBBS1F90 - as above but faster for creating mixed model equations only once
  • GIBBS2F90 - as above but with joint sampling of correlated effects
  • GIBBS3F90 - as above with support for heterogeneous residual variances
  • POSTGIBBSF90 - statistics and graphics for post-Gibbs analysis (S. Tsuruta)
  • THRGIBBSF90 - Gibbs sampling for any combination of categorical and linear traits (D. Lee)
  • THRGIBBS1F90 - as above but simplified with several options (S. Tsuruta)
  • RENUMF90 - a renumbering program that also can check pedigrees and assign unknown parent groups; supports large data sets
  • INBUPGF90 - a program to calculate inbreeding coefficients with incomplete pedigree (I. Aguilar)
  • SEEKPARENTF90 - a program to verify paternity and parent discovery using SNP markers (I. Aguilar)
  • PREDICTF90 - a program to calculate adjusted y, y_hat, and residuals (I. Aguilar)
  • PREDF90 - a program to predict direct genomic value (DGV) for animals based on genotypes and SNP solution

Available by request

  • MRF90 - Method R program suitable for very large data sets; contact T. Druet.
  • COXF90 – Bayesian Cox model - contact J. P. Sanchez (
  • BLUPF90HYP – BLUPF90 with hypothesis testing (F and Chi2 tests) - contact J. P. Sanchez as above

Available only under research agreement

  • BLUP90IOD2 - BLUP by iteration on data with PCG for very large models (S. Tsuruta)
  • CBLUP90IOD - BLUP by iteration on data for threshold-linear models
  • ACCF90 - approximation of accuracies for breeding values
  • BLUP90MBE - BLUP by iteration on data with support for very large models for multi-breed evaluations
  • BLUP90ADJ - BLUP data preadjustment tool

Included in application programs

  • PREGSF90 – genomic preprocessor that combines genomic and pedigree relationships (I. Aguilar)
  • POSTGSF90 – genomic postprocessor that extracts SNP solutions after genomic evaluations (single step, GBLUP) (I. Aguilar)

Other programming contributions were made by Miguel Perez-Enciso (user_file) and François Guillaume (Jenkins hashing functions).

application_programs.1475263982.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/25 18:22 (external edit)

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