The programs support mixed models with multiple-correlated effects, multiple animal models and dominance.

Most of the programs now support being called with the parameter file as an argument, e.g.

 blupf90 renf90.par 

This avoids typing the name of the file in interactive or doing the trick.

 echo renf90.par | blupf90 

Download BLUPF90 family manual. Note that some programs shown below are not in the manual (e.g. inbupgf90)

How to cite the BLUPF90 manual: Misztal I., Tsuruta S., Lourenco D.A.L., Aguilar I., Legarra A., and Vitezica Z. 2014. Manual for BLUPF90 family of programs.


Available for research (free with restriction: # genotyped animals = 25,000)

Available by request

Available only under research agreement

No longer updated (as of May 2022)

Other programming contributions were made by Miguel Perez-Enciso (user_file) and François Guillaume (Jenkins hashing functions).