Table of Contents

General information

This course will be in Portuguese

August 19 - 21, Vale do Santarem, Portugal
From 9:30am to 5:30pm

BLUPF90 download

BLUPF90 programs BLUPF90 Download

Download BLUPF90 programs before August 19 and make sure they are working. Choose the proper OS according to your laptop.

Terminal emulators for Windows users

It allows one to run Unix commands from a PC:

MobaXterm Enhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server, tabbed SSH client, network tools, and more.

Enhanced editor for Windows users

Editor Notepad++ Notepad++ 64-bit Installer

Display server

It allows one to use Linux graphical applications remotely:

Xming Xming X Window System Server - for Windows

XQuatz X Quartz - for Mac


Install R according to the OS you use: R

General Info - Important! Please read it!

1) The preferred OS for the course is Linux. If you want to use Windows, please download MobaXterm so that you can use some Linux bash commands inside Windows.

2) If you have problems executing the BLUPF90 binaries in Windows, it may be related to the lack of OpenMP libraries (“The program can't start because libiomp5md.dll is missing from your computer…”). Click here to solve this issue.

3) If you have problems executing the BLUPF90 binaries in Linux or MacOS, change the permission for the file using the following command

chmod a+x <filename>


chmod 777 <filename>

4) In some laptops, it is necessary to use the following command before the BLUPF90 program name

./ <filename>

5) If you try to run any program and get a message about segmentation fault, this is because the program tried to access an inappropriate memory area or accessed it abnormally.

When the program fails (crashes) without any messages, most likely, a segmentation fault has occurred.

There are possible reasons for this error.

Please type the following command before running the BLUPF90 programs.

ulimit -s unlimited

Course Materials

BLUPF90 Manual


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Group picture