[Updated] New software is available!

Updated again on March 21, 2019: We have updated our programs (again) because there was a bug which might cause segmentation fault when using genomic data. It came around the end of February 2019. Older programs did not have this bug. New programs for Linux and Mac are available on our website (Windows binary will be available soon). The timestamp of the new version is March 21, 2019 (2019-03-21) or later. If you downloaded the programs on March 20, 2019, please use the latest one.

We are pleased to announce that new computer programs and features are available on our website. The software will help your study to be efficient and allow you to obtain more details out of genomic and pedigree information. All programs are available on our website; see http://nce.ads.uga.edu/software/ for details.

P-values in GWAS with single-step GBLUP

Now p-value is available in GWAS using the “single-step GBLUP” approach. You have to run BLUPF90 followed by POSTGSF90 with an option (OPTION snp_p_value). See our wiki pages of BLUPF90 and POSTGSF90 for usage. The theoretical background is described in a pre-print. With this feature, we have changed the file format of G-inverese, A22-inverse, and GimA22i. If the program stops with the format-incompatibility, please recreate the file.

New blup90 and gibbsf90

We have released new BLUPF90 and GIBBSF90 found on our website as blupf90test and gibbsf90test, respectively. The new BLUPF90 is a unified program of BLUPF90 and AIREMLF90. The new GIBBSF90 is a combination of all previous Gibbs samplers. The performance of new programs should be similar as or a bit better than the previous software. The new programs accept more options than older software. The new software should become an official version in the future.

A quality-control tool for genotypes and pedigree

We have released QCF90, a quality-control program for SNP genotypes and pedigree. The manual is available on our website. This is a command-line tool that can read “raw” genomic and pedigree files (you don’t have to run RENUMF90). Previously, PREGSF90 does the job but it requires renumbered files. QCF90 has the same functionality as PREGSF90 but more efficient in timing and memory usage. The publication of this tool comes soon.