The UGA Animal Breeding and Genetics group attended the 2021 European Federation of Animal Science Meeting in Davos, Switzerland from the 30th August – 3rd September.
There were 8 presentations and 1 poster from the UGA group presented at the meeting:
- Bermann, M., D. Lourenco, Y. Masuda and I. Misztal. 2021. A fast method for approximating reliabilities in genomic BLUP. [PDF]
- Bermann, M., D. Lourenco, V. Breen, R. Hawken, F. Brito Lopes, I. Misztal. 2021. Modelling genetic differences of combined broiler chicken populations in single-step GBLUP. [PDF]
- Cesarani, A., D. Lourenco, Y. Masuda, S. Tsuruta, A. Legarra, E. Nicolazzi, P. Vanraden, I. Misztal. 2021. Multi-breed genomic evaluation for dairy cattle in the US using single-step GBLUP. [PDF]
- Hidalgo, J., D. Lourenco, S. Tsuruta, Y. Masuda, V. Breen, R. Hawken, M. Bermann, I. Misztal. 2021. Decay of accuracy of genomic predictions over time in broilers. [PDF]
- Jang, S., S. Tsuruta, N. Leite, I. Misztal and D. Lourenco. 2021. Dimensionality of genomic information and its impact on GWA and variant selection. [PDF]
- Leite, N.G., E.F. Knol, S. Nuphaus, S. Tsuruta, D. Lourenco. 2021. Genetic study of social interaction models for the predictability of overall biting in gilts. [PDF]
- Lourenco, D., S. Tsuruta, J. Hidalgo and I. Misztal. 2021 .Stability of breeding values in the genomic era. [PDF]
- Masuda, Y., S. Tsuruta and I. Misztal. 2021. Unknown-parent group and metafounder models for missing pedigree in single-step genomic BLUP. [PDF]
- Misztal, I., R. Abdollahi-Arpanahi, D. Lourenco. 2021. Detecting effective starting point of genomic selection by divergent trends from BLUP and ssGBLUP [PDF]